What Are Major Premature Ejaculation Causes?

April 19th, 2013 by admin | Posted in Erectile Dysfunction Australia
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Considered as one of the most common sexual problems men experience premature ejaculation basically has no a definition. Mainly because for some partners coming too quickly during a sexual intercourse (a simple explanation of premature ejaculation) means normal and doesn’t cause any psychological or physical discomfort. Medically speaking, premature ejaculation is considered when a man comes within 1.8 minutes after the beginning of sexual intercourse (while the average men who have no premature ejaculation can last up to 7 munities).

For most men such problem is accompanied by inferiority complex and serves as a reason for decreased low self-esteem and depression.

Not surprisingly premature ejaculation is more common among youngsters since this condition usually improves with age. It has been statically proven that older men get a better control over their ejaculation.

Most men think that the main cause of this condition is frequent masturbation that trains ejaculation reflex to achieve climax and release sperm as soon as possible. This statement is partially true, but considered not as the major reason. In fact, this disorder is more complicated and usually is caused by multiple biological and psychological factors.

Biological causes of premature ejaculation

Like any other disorder, premature ejaculation can be caused by a range of different biological factors including:

  •           Negative changes of hormonal levels;
  •           Not normal levels of neurotransmitters (chemicals in brain);
  •           Thyroid-related disorders;
  •           Erectile dysfunction;
  •           Some inherited traits or disorders;
  •            Urethra’s or prostate’s infection and inflammation;
  •           Not normal ejaculatory system’s reflex activity.

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation:

Many doctors believe that traumatic sexual experiences cause such condition as premature ejaculation at least in a half of all cases. As for other psychological causes of this disorder, they include:

  • ·         Guilty feelings;
  • ·         Fear to be discovered during a sexual intercourse with a “wrong” person;
  • ·         Anxiety or stress;
  • ·         Relationship problems.

Very rarely but sometimes premature ejaculation can be caused by such causes:

  • ·         After the damage of CNS triggered by some surgery or trauma;
  • ·         After withdrawal from some medications prescribed for curing the symptoms of certain mental problems.

If you have started to notice you come too quickly that should become a sign for you to consult a therapist as soon as possible to find a cause and start treating this problem, or you can visit Viagra Melbourne online store and buy cialis, viagra and other meds without prescription. Be healthy!

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